The University of Southampton

C-IoT Seminar on Multicast Forwarding in 6LoWPANs with Contiki-NG - Event

23rd of January, 2019  @  13:00 - 14:00
New Mountbatten (53) - 4025
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Event details

The Centre for Internet of Things and Pervasive Systems is organising a seminar on "Multicast forwarding in 6LoWPANs with Contiki-NG" from Dr George Oikonomou. The event is open to anyone from across the University to attend. IPv6 multicast forwarding may be a desirable feature in 6LoWPANs under the presence of applications that adopt a one-to-many communication paradigm, such as network management or service discovery. By using network layer multicast these applications may improve in terms of scalability, while at the same time reducing network-wide energy consumption and bandwidth utilisation. In this talk we will explore past and recent research, as well as standardisation efforts, in the area of 6LoWPAN multicasting. We will call attention to some concerns regarding the co-existence of the IETF-proposed Multicast Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (MPL) and the IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL). Lastly, we will discuss existing implementations and highlight open issues, placing emphasis on the Contiki-NG Open-Source Operating System for the Internet of Things.
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